First, let me tell you where I got this...
Now...let me begin:
1) What was the single best thing that happened to you this year?
Remarrying my best friend...hands down. God and God alone is responsible for the restoration of my marriage and being a part of such an amazing journey with Christ has been BEYOND anything I could have imagined for Brad and I.
2)What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
Stepping out of my financial, emotional, spiritual, and any other kind of comfort zone and making the decision to homeschool...and then sticking to it when the rest of the world said we were crazy.
3)What was an unexpected joy this year?
Ironically...homeschooling. When we made the decision I viewed it as a something we HAD to do in the best interest of our kids. It has turned out to be something that not only brings me joy to do but brings joy in the form of less chaos for us as a family.
4)What was an unexpected obstacle?
It wasn't really all that unexpected...but continuing to live at home has been an obstacle. I miss having my own space!! The negativitiy and opinons of even the most well meaning friends and family over some of our decisions ( with my parents, homeschooling) was a HUGE obstacle for me personally until I gave it all to God.
5)Pick three words to describe 2010.
Challenging, faith-invoking, BLESSED
6)Pick three words your spouse would use to describe YOUR 2010 (don't ask....just guess.)
Well...Brad would just pick three without scary, amazing, fantastic
7)Pick three words your spouse would use to describe THEIR 2010 (again...don't ask)
Eventful, blessed, amazing....he is not into these kinds of thought provoking questions:). That makes him sound thoughtless...which he's not...he just doesn't like to be put on the these are what I think he would spout off:)
8)What were the best books you read this year?
You mean besides the Bible?!? :) (I kid...I know that is everyones first response and I BELIEVE that I need to read and understand the Bible...but isn't always a page turner.) Rite of Passage Parenting by Walker Moore has been very eye opening. I also read John Grisham's The Innocent Man...his first and last non-fiction. Another eye opening read.
9)With whom were your most valuable relationships?
JESUS....and not in the "this is how you are supposed to answer" way. Like...true blue...He is my source of true strength and peace for everyday life kind of way. A close second would be my wonderful husband who truly is my best friend. My parents. I have a grand total of 5 girlfriends who keep me ABC order...Elizabeth, Jennifer, Jodi, Lashanwn, and Robin...thank you for all that you bring to my crazy life:). And I must add that it has been a joy getting to know my SIL over the past few you Kim!!
10)What was your biggest personal change from January to December this year?
Letting go of other's input. Our decisions are OUR decisions. We pray about things...we trust God...we do what HE says. I am sure we will make many more decisions that seem crazy and may even be wrong because we just missed something. BUT...I have learned to stop worrying about what others think...even close friends and family....although they are and will always be harder to tune out:).
11)In what ways did you grow emotionally?
See #10:). That was HUGE emotional growth for me. It is still a process. My new mantra for 2011 is "creating our OWN kind of normal." We are crazy Jesus Freaks and will continue to make people think we are crazy...but it's okay...I have accepted it and have stopped agonizing over it. HUGE:)
12)In what ways did you grow spiritually?
I have learned to trust more. Deciding to homeschool was a HUGE step in faith for me. I have always worked at least part time and homeschooling meant I would give up working at all. Once we finally decided to make that leap...I cried it out with can we manage financially? And He answered very me...I have a plan for marriage and parenting...and it works...just trust me. We did...I did...and things have been fine.
13)In what ways did you grow physically?
OUT:). LOL...I kid...sort of. Needless to say...I will start 2011 with weight loss goals.
14) In what ways did you grow in your relationship with others?
This year I decided to reach out to people even if I felt stupid doing so. I tried to be friendlier to cashiers...I tried to start up a conversation at Bible Study...I offered to help even when people looked at me like I was eating bugs. It has helped...I have made many new friends through our church family!!!
15) What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home.)
BEING HOME!!! Getting to watch my kids learn and grow. Knowing Shay knows half of the alphabet because I taught her. Watching Bishop slowly remember to start sentences with a capital letter and end them with a period. Doing laundry while they do their computer work...I LOVE my job!!!
16)What was the most challenging part of your work?
Balancing activities, shopping, schooling...the normal things women face:) It doesn't matter if you work, don't work, or homeschool...finding a balance is always the hardest part.
17)What was your single biggest time waster in your life this year?
OUCH. I don't like this question:). I know a lot of people would say Facebook but I don't see it as a time waster...I enjoy it and don't see it as wasted time staying in touch with just general surfing on the net. I can sit down to check email and sit at the computer for 2 hours and not realize it.
18)What was the best way you used your time this year?
Volunteering at our church. I don't even do that much...but it felt good to be there and being a part of a team. Homeschooling will always be time well spent. My kids were a gift and anything I do for them will always be a good use of time.
19)What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
It is okay to step out in faith. It is okay to do something crazy when God calls you to do it. He will ALWAYS have our backs...and HIS plan is much better than our own. And even the most spiritual of people may tell you that you are wrong and have lost your mind...God knows best. Always.
20)Create a phrase or statement that describes 2010 for you.
Life's a journey...not a destination. Live well, laugh often, love much.
2 years ago