Friday, January 19, 2007

TIred of ice...

We Texans must annoy God with all of our complaints about the weather. "It's TOO hot, it's too cold, we need rain, that's too much rain, I'm tired of snow & ice..." The list goes on. We must drive him crazy!!! Of course, Texas is the only state where it can go from 70 degrees to 15 in a single 24 hour period so maybe he cuts us a little slack.

That said...I AM TIRED OF THIS WEATHER. My four year old NEEDS to be outside running & climbing & burning energy. I want to go is nightmarishly cold & I am tired of the MUD!! I am sure Shelah is ready for a change since she has been banned due to muddy feet. I remind her EVERYDAY that she is an ARTIC dog & is supposed to enjoy this weather & she responds by putting her face through the pet door & whining to be let in. And don't even get me started on the electric bill...

Okay...I am done complaining. Shayden is fussy so I must go....


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