Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday night in the Big Town

We drove to Ft Worth this evening to meet my parents & grandparents for dinner & to have Bish's birthday pictures taken. And (I know mom, you shouldn't start a sentence w/the word and) since I have not much interesting to tell about in our lives, I am going to share a funny story that my grandmother told me at dinner. Here goes:

We were sitting there eating in the food court talking about not much. My grandmother, Martha, looks at my Papa across the table & says, "Your Papa's old girlfriend called him on the phone this week." Finding this a little odd seeing that he is 74 & any old girlfriend would have had to have come before my grandmother who married him at the ripe old age of 18, I asked WHY his old girlfriend had called. Her reply was, "To see if I was dead." YES FRIENDS, she was serious. Some lady in Wichita Falls, Texas called my grandpa to see if my grandmother had passed away so she could make her move?!?!?! Her husband had passed away a couple of years ago so I guess she was getting lonely. My grandfather politely informed her that the lady that answered the phone was indeed his healthy, loving wife of 55 years:)!! My sweet Mama took this all in stride & laughed about it. The really ironic part is that this is not the first time this has happened. A lady once stopped my grandpa in Wal-mart & asked him if he & Martha were doing okay:)! So ladies, when you hit about 60, keep a close watch on your man...if he can walk, talk, & drive acar....he is a HOT commodity:)!!!

Sorry..I had to share this...I thought it was TOO funny!!!

Have a GREAT SATURDAY guys!!!!

1 comment:

Summer said...

Now THAT is funny! He he he! It never occurred to me to ask either of my grandfathers if they are being stalked by ex-girlfriends. Although, my father's father (whose wife passed away 10 years ago from bone cancer) is a bachelor at the young age of 79 and is chasing skirts all over his retirement apartment complex. He is apparently getting along just fine because he tossed his bottle of Viagra at my Aunt and told her "Give these to Joe (her husband) because I don't need them anymore. I do just fine on my own". He then told her that he and his current "lady friend" broke his bed! I don't want to know, Grandpa!! He is probably the one calling exes to see if their spouses are dead! Ha ha ha! Thanks for the giggle tonight.
PS. I promise I won't call Brad and ask him if you are dead when we are in our 60's!! LOL.