Monday, October 03, 2005

Sad Times

It has already been a LONG week and it is only Monday night. I have never felt more like a grown up in my life & you know isn't really all that fun. Not this time at least. We have come to the realization that we are going to have to have one of our family members put down. Our beautiful border collie mix who loves to greet me at the fence everytime I pull in the driveway has been showing signs of aggressiveness. I don;t know why or where it came from but he has tried to come across the fence & attack two people now. I think Brad & I have both been somewhat aware that there is a problem but we both love him & I guess were somewhat in denial. He isn't agressive towards us but he is to any other person...even some that he has been around before. It is HEARTBREAKING!!! I have cried & cried...I am crying right now. I have never had to make a decision like this before...I know that we can't keep him because he is a risk to my child & that we can't give him away with the behavior that he is displaying.
To top that off...Brad has been feeling bad. His muscles have been really sore and he can't figure out why. He called the doctor & they wanted to see him so he went in & they took blood & all that fun stuff so that has been on my mind. I know in my heart that he is fine...God has been telling me he is & not to worry...but it is hard as many of you can atest too. So if you could please keep our little family in your prayers this week...pulling up to my house will be very hard to do for awhile.
We love you all!!

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